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“It is important to approach maths only in a spirit of curiosity and discovery.”   Shakuntala Devi


Maths is important in everyday life and, with this is mind, the purpose of Maths at St Bernadette’s Primary School is to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. We teach maths using the Mastery approach so that children develop a deep and broad understanding of the subject through. Following the White Rose Scheme of work, new mathematical concepts are introduced using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new mathematical topics, and allows them to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Arithmetic and basic maths skills are practised daily in our fluency and mastering numbers sessions to ensure key mathematical concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links between topics in Maths.

Maths at St Bernadette’s:

•          Maths fluency is taught daily. Focussing on key mathematical skills including place value, number and the four operations.

•          A range of reasoning resources are used to challenge all children and give them the opportunity to reason with their understanding.

•          Maths interventions are used to support children to ensure children are ready for their next Maths lesson and that good progress is made.  This can include pre-teaching and support in class.

•          Lessons are taught in mixed ability whole class lessons and generally follow the fluency, variation, reasoning and problem solving format of mastery.

•          Lessons use a Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract approach to guide children through their understanding of mathematical processes.

•          Homework is set on MyMaths and TTRockstars to develop and review children's learning.

•          Where possible, links are made with other subjects across the curriculum.

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