Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy Summary for Parents
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What is SEND?
SEND stands for Special Educational Needs and Disability. Children with SEND are given extra help with their learning and/or coping with their emotions, behaviour or other medical reasons that makes learning more difficult for them. This webpage outlines how our school helps all children with SEND and/ or medical needs. If you wish to have more detailed information, please read the complete SEND Policy also on the school website.
SEN Admissions
Our offer to children with special educational needs and disabilities:
At St. Bernadette's, we welcome all children and are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure that every child succeeds and makes the best possible progress, whatever their needs and abilities. We have high expectations for every child, supporting them to achieve or surpass national expectations at the end of each Key Stage.
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As a Catholic School we believe that every person is unique and special. This respect for others is reflected in our Mission Statement.
Policy and practice at St Bernadette’s reflect the Equality Act 2010. We have a legal duty not to discriminate against children. Therefore, we make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to the school environment to ensure all children are able to fully participate regardless of their special educational needs.
Disabled access in the school has been considerably improved in recent years, including the availability of a lift space. Where an individual child’s needs require adaptions to be made, we consult the local authority to consider what reasonable adjustments can be made.
Levels of Support
There is a graduated response to supporting children with special educational needs; class action, SEND support and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Class action is the school’s first level of support which will involve increasing support and monitoring progress prior to moving to SEND Support.
SEND Support consists of additional or different support and is sometimes provided by someone who comes into the school such as a speech and language therapist and literacy support teacher.
If a child needs a lot of support, teachers and parents may ask for an assessment by the Local Authority to see if an EHCP should be put in place. This means that any help provided is protected and checked carefully each year at a meeting. Children will be invited to attend that meeting if they wish to. If children with an EHCP move to another school, the help will continue in the next school if that is still appropriate.
Related Documents
Please also see statutory information/policies
What extra help will children receive?
The SENDCo, class teacher and outside specialist will meet parents and make plans for all children with SEND who come to our school to help them with their learning. The school will arrange for all children to have the things they needed to help them to make progress. The teachers will set work that is at the right level so that children can meet their targets and be included in all the things other children do. They will all be given chances to play and have lunch with friends at break and lunch times. The teacher will plan extra-special work/activities to help each individual child develop. Our specialist teaching assistants help child either individually and in small groups. Other people might be asked to visit children with special needs in school from time to time and give extra help. These may be include specialist teachers, nurses or other visitors, e.g. physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
SENDCo and Inclusion Manager
Miss Regan is the SENDCo and Inclusion Leader. She will make sure that all children with special educational or medical needs get the help they need while at our school. When it is time for any child to move to another school, she and/ or the class teacher will talk to the new teachers of the next school and make sure that they are told of the progress and needs each child.
St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School promises to:
• help all children who have difficulty with their learning for whatever reason
• include all children in activities as far as possible, so that no one feels left out
• talk to each child and to you about their progress and plan more help with learning, if needed (individual education plans (IEPS) are produced twice a year or more often where necessary
• ensure that all children are treated equally and are listened to
• make arrangements so that all children take part in trips and clubs
• check that all children are making good progress;
These are some examples of the special things that some children might need to help them with their progress in school:
- laptop or special software
- quiet spaces or friendship groups
- pencil grips or a writing slope
- coloured overlays
- extra time to complete work
- medical support
- visual timetables and communication books
- ear defenders
We continually remind children that they can always talk to their parents/carers and class teachers about any difficulties they have with learning or about getting on with other children.