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Welcome to St. Bernadette's dedicated admissions pages, designed to support you in making your admissions request to our school.

If you have any other queries please call...
Mrs Cheree Maskell
at the school on
(01273) 553813

Guided Tour

Please do visit our 'Guided Tour & School Videos' page to learn a little bit more about our school community.  

You may also want to visit our 'Starting School' pages for parents and families starting at St Bernadette's.

Making an application...

1) Fill your application in online www.brighton-hove.gov.uk or call the admissions team, at Brighton and Hove council, to request paper form (01273) 293653.

2) Bring to the school your supplementary information, baptismal form and any other supporting information.

3) Give your Parish Priest Support Form to your Parish Priest.

Admissions Policies and Supplementary Information Forms

Admissions Policies and Supplementary Information Forms


Making an application...

1) Fill your application in online www.brighton-hove.gov.uk or call the admissions team, at Brighton and Hove council, to request paper form (01273) 293653.

2) Bring to the school your supplementary information, baptismal form and any other supporting information.

3) Give your Parish Priest Support Form to your Parish Priest.

Parish Boundaries...

Please click on the image below to access the diocesan parish boundary maps.

parishes 2(1)
Hit enter to search