Relationships and Behaviour

At St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, we aim to create a happy, safe, caring, stimulating and inclusive environment for all. We encourage self-discipline and aim to keep rules to a minimum, following just three rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe (RRS). Promoting good behaviour amongst the pupils is a shared responsibility. All members of the school community: staff, governors, parents, the wider community and the children, have a vital role to play and should aim to build positive relationships with each other. We expect each individual to respect others, their families, culture and beliefs, as part of the exceptionally high standards of behaviour that we have at St. Bernadette’s.
The restorative ethos at St. Bernadette’s underpins the three rules of Ready, Respectful and Safe so children need to know and help define this ethos within their class, in order for it to be meaningful and effective. This is for both children and adults to adhere to and will be on display in the classroom for reference. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and behaviour; as well as, consider the impact of their actions and behaviour on others. Pupils who follow the rules must have their actions acknowledged and rewarded. Those who do not follow the rules need to know that their actions will not be ignored. Consequences of inappropriate choices will be discussed and decided upon with the pupil and the consequence enforced. We use the above behaviour ladder in all classrooms and learning spaces.
Please see our Policies page for our Relationships and Behaviour Policy.