Our Values and Mission

Our motto means that we constantly 'Reach Up' to God to be closer to Him and experience His love. It also means that we 'Reach Up' and challenge ourselves to achieve even if it means taking risks and failing. We don't believe that we should place any limitations on learning. When we are 'Reaching Out' we not only reach out and help our friends but to help all people who are in need.
Our Mission Statement...
Written by staff, governors, parents and pupils, St Bernadette's Mission Statement is a key document in understanding our school. St. Bernadette's is a happy, high-achieving, welcoming school at the heart of the community we serve. We aim to provide an outstanding, inclusive and enriching education, enabling all children to make rapid and sustained progress. Living out our Mission statement is vital component of who we are.
Our Good Disciple Values

Our Good Disciple values were developed to help us to be more like Jesus and His disciples. They help us to be better people and link closely with our Mission Statement. Every week our teachers award a 'Good Disciple' certificate to children who have really demonstrated one or more of these values.