Why is regular attendance so important?
At St. Bernadette's Primary School we work closely with children and parents in connection with attendance so that each child can reach their full potential. We recognise the crucial role that parents and carers play in promoting good school attendance.
We know there is a direct link between a child's attainment, progress, social skills and attendance. A child's success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning, leading to underachievement, both academically and socially.

Absence Procedures
Parents are required to contact the School Office via telephone (01273 553813), as soon as possible, but before 9:30am on each day of absence until they return to school, unless discussed otherwise with the School Office.
The office will phone the parent/carer of any pupil who has not reported their child's absence. We are required to be informed of why your child is not at school. If we do not hear from you then we will follow guidance from our Attendance Policy which may include home visits.
If you require any support with your child's attendance to speak to the school. It is important that we work together.
The school regards punctuality as of the utmost importance and lateness will not be tolerated.
The gates open for the children to enter school at 8:40am and the school day starts at 8:50am when the gates will be closed. Pupils arriving after this time are considered late.
Registers are marked at 8:55am. Pupils will recieve a late mark if they are not in their classroom by this time.
School finishes at 3:15pm. It is vital that children are collected on time, please phone the office if you are going to be late. Consistent lateness will be acted upon.
Attendance Newsletters
Attendance Policy
Visit our Policies page to read our Attendance Policy.