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Governors at St Bernadette's

The Governing Body

The Governing Board provides strong and ambitious leadership to St Bernadette's.

  • We ensure clarity of vision and ethos throughout the school.

  • We hold the educational performance of the school to account.

  • We oversee the financial sound running of the organisation

A Message from our Chair of Governors

As Governors, we make a positive contribution to the lives and learning of all those who work together at St Bernadette's.  The Governing Board reflects the local school community, comprising representatives from our Parish, people in industry and vocational employment, workers in education, staff and parents.

We are volunteers who meet regularly, both collectively and in small groups, to evaluate how money is spent, oversee how our curriculum is taught and ensure that everyone is kept safe. Governors at St Bernadette's also work to support our teachers and maintain the unique Catholic ethos of our school.

Governors are committed to the school’s visions and values and place a high priority on communicating with the school community – we adopt an ‘on-the-ground’ approach here! You will often find governors around school interacting with staff and children. We regularly monitor and challenge changes in the curriculum, behaviour and learning, and maintain the fabric of the school building. Governors work to improve our school and ensure that the ethos of our school is upheld. Governors attend training provided by Brighton & Hove Council, The National College and through our Diocese to ensure that their role is carried out effectively.

Governors meet as a full board twice a term. In addition, our committees have half termly meetings, as well as regular visits to the school to meet with subject leaders and see the school in action. 

See below for a full list of governors at St Bernadette's.

I am very proud to chair the Board at  St Bernadette's and look forward to meeting you at school soon.

Janet Silva
Chair of the Governing Board

Governing Board Members


Type Position Start Date Term of Office Responsibilty
Claire Smith Headteacher Headteacher 04/09/21 04/09/21  
Janet Silva Foundation Chair 01/09/13 15/09/21-14/09/25

Teaching and Learning



Helen Costello Foundation Vice Chair 23/9/22 28/9/22-27/9/26



Fr John Hull Foundation   01/09/17 3/11/21-2/11/25

Religious Education




Laurentius Vlaar Foundation   23/06/20 23/06/22-22/06/24

Health and Safety


Jan Carballo Local Authority   06/02/23 06/02/23-06/02/27


Teaching and Learning

Ellie Ford Staff   20/7/21 20/7/21-19/7/25

Teaching and Learning


Marie Rouse-Williams Parent   04/09/2024 04/09/2028



Simon Ramsden Parent   04/09/27 04/09/2028




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