St Mary Magdalen's Catholic Primary School and Nursery Staff
What do school governors do?
The governing body’s function is both to support and challenge the school to provide the best possible education for all its pupils. This is carried out in many ways including working closely with the Head teacher and staff both in formal governors meetings and informal discussions; evaluating the schools progress through results data scrutiny, and observing the school in action by joining assemblies and other school celebrations. The governing body is also required to ensure that the school complies with its legal obligations. All of the governors are unpaid volunteers who give up their free time and bring a wide range of skills to help make this school a wonderful nurturing environment to be in.
There are currently vacancies on the Govenring Board for 1 Parent Govenor and 2 Foundation Govenrors. If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact Michelle McCann, Clerk to Governors, for more information via:
St Mary Magdalen's School Governing Body
The Governing Body meet 6 times a year. The minutes and attendance of the FGB, along with Head Teachers Reports, are available from Chelle McCann, Clerk to Governors by emailing